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Perennials: What new plants have you just put in the ground?, 2 by warriorswisdomkathy

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Image Copyright warriorswisdomkathy

In reply to: What new plants have you just put in the ground?

Forum: Perennials

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Photo of What new plants have you just put in the ground?
warriorswisdomkathy wrote:
Lol...I'll use that Jack Benny saying, I'm 39.......

What centaureas did you get? Just love them, so far I have: C. montana (blue), C. montna 'Amethyst in White', both reseed and the white more so.
C. phygria in purple and yellow, both are light reseeders and
C. machrocephala (the biggest of all of them), here shown with an unopened Veronica (common name is hardhead, and blooms mid summer ( the others bloom all season), very light reseeding.
And I got a new one last year but didn't bloom yet, it's C. montana 'Blackie' 'spose to be a dark purple

The montanas can be used as indicator plants...if they start to droop it's time to that somewhere....
If you ever find the pink montana I want, that or one of these days I will have to order the seed from England. don't even get me going on perenns that need to get into the ground...I have a bunch, yikes!!!!