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Central Midwest Gardening: Oct. 2012, here is Fall, another mild Winter?, 2 by shortleaf

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Photo of Oct. 2012, here is Fall, another mild Winter?
shortleaf wrote:
Fruit Flies? Not me. Here, I think the regular house-flies (but larger) hatch out in the rec. room or something every steenking year!

Thanks! That Coleus is still full of sunlight I think, it's way too full all over for a wimpy old shoplite. I was just being sarcastic juhur, your a good sport, that Coleus I believe is touching the fluorescent bulbs! It seems detrimental to a plant to put it that close but I read that the closer the better actually, that 6 inches from a plant bulb is equal to half of regular sunlight. That's a good idea to cut it way back now. Does anybody want some of those Coleus cuttings? I can send easily with one of my many stamps. It's one of the prettiest Coleuses I have ever seen. That hadn't occurred to me yet, thanks pepper, I want to make at least 6 more Coleuses this Winter. It looks like I have about 20 cuttings there at least, anybody?

It gets cold at night here, not quite freezing yet but I'm sure it's not far off.
It's funny, they are still going with highs in the 70's here -
I spread out about 4 wheelbarrows of mulch today, just trying to make a last minute push to get a few things done that I've been putting off. -

My pics are all warm and fuzzy huh?! I'm only like 500 miles to your West! lol But thanks, I do like to try to be festive and have festive stuff!
I'll try to find a photo of one of my 2 Banana plants for you! There were 4 of them last year when I had them all (I was laying down weedblock, also known as, now there's only 2 'Basjoo' Bananas left! - Those bananas have the mulch on them this Winter, I'd say they each have about 6 inches of mulch on them! The reason that I know is because at first I laid down this black mulch, that turned out to be quite hideous so I then covered that all up with the present cedar mulch. I think this Summer was not the Bananas ideal environment and they languished real good and never got over about a foot tall, I think the heat just stopped any growth, hopefully next year they wake up.
One of them has 3 pups this year though.

This message was edited Oct 10, 2012 10:47 PM