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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: bromeliads for novices and addicts, sep, 2012, 2 by weed_woman

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Photo of bromeliads for novices and addicts, sep, 2012
weed_woman wrote:
good morning. It has taken me half an hour to get through all the reading. That will teach me to miss a day.
Bree, bellingen is only a 15 minute drive off the highway, just north of urunga....well worth the stop if you can wangle it. Also, the coffs harbour orchid show is on, on friday, saturday and sunday at the botanical gardens, so another worth while stop! I hope your family thing is fun. I am just south of Woolgoolga, and 1km off the highway, and also a worthwhile stop! heh heh.
Tash, thanks for the compliments. my head is definitely getting bigger! I love the new shirt, and the pictures you posted. your kautskyi has amazing colour! I'm going to show that to mine and see if they will be encouraged to try harder! I would be interested in knowing what Nigels rates were for fertilising too. Your climate is a tough one, but with the colour your getting, I can see its got its benefits!
Nev, my perriams pride does have a few spots, as do most of my Billbergias. It might be a climatic thing? You gave me a few of those xNiduregelia seedlings when I visited, and thy are residing happily in a garden around here somewhere!
Hi Karen, I had to laugh that you couldn't remember what it was you tried, that made the picture work. Isn't that always the way! You will have to try again, and take notes or something. Its a nice plant. i am familiar with zonata, but not empress.
Good score, Shirley. I heard a rumour that we might get a masters store here, in the future, so hopefully we will have access to the same kinds of bargains as you?
Hello Colleen, thanks for the ID on A. 'Burgundy'. It really stood out in your pics. My A. 'Freckles' lives out in full sun, and loves it. It always has great colour. No pups at the moment though Nev. I thought I sent you one? Or was it just a promise I made, but didn't keep?
Welcome Gabi. I didn't scream, because I have let the violets go too. Not much else you can do with them rampant little bludgers! They make a good cover though, and keep out the weeds. I'll wait till you post pics before suggesting any plants, as it makes it easier to see the space and style of the area, before suggesting something that might be totally unsuitable. You'll get lots of ideas here!
Hi Jean, how are you! I think your Neo. 'Rosetta' might be N. 'Rosella'? and Neo. 'Martin' is a variegated neo, so if its a 'NOVAR' it means it has lost its variegation, which is common with Martin. As for your callichroma, I have that one too, so I will search my photos later and see if I can find one. Has yours flowered yet?
Ian, you are putting up some nice piccies there for us. I'm guessing there are more to come? Looking forward to them
Trish, don't worry if you leave someone out. Its all good, and I or one, wont bite you! Not hard, anyway. Not everyone acknowledges all the comments, mores the pity, but not everyone has the time or ptience to do so, and I understand that. Nev makes up for it with his in depth posts, so everyone feels loved! heh heh. Ugly foot? We all have those. It makes for good scale, to show how big your plant is!
I'll leave you with a couple of pics i took in the garden yesterday, and then I'm going outside to water, water, water for an hour or so. It was windy overnight, so there will be branches to pick up also.
Happy gardening all.