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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: bromeliads for novices and addicts, sep, 2012, 2 by ianperry

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Photo of bromeliads for novices and addicts, sep, 2012
ianperry wrote:
Hi all, First off I'll post a pic of this plant problen in Ae Fosters favourite favourite (red ribbon). This is the first ae that I have really noticed with it.I know I don't spend enough time with them and I could be more observant.This rot or dieback starts on the second or third row of leaves and works down. Sometimes mum has a pup and at others it doesn't. They are all relatively young plants and have not flowered.
I potted up some Ae prickly fella that i dont know the name of, I will find out one day.The mother is in someone elses yard, 3rd plant back from the beach on the left hand side of the yard. He has a beautiful collection.
Madam Lash in the previous pic was from when i first got it, May last year, now she has a pup and is flowering.
The Ae recurvata var I got from Bunnings a couple of weeks ago and it is flowering also. The only other brom that is flowering is Ananas lucidus. Ananas tricolor is close to flowering as well.
I have been here in Mackay for 12 years and have yet to see a live big lizard, croc, but I know they are here.#oo yards away is a tidal creek and there are crock nests somewhere in there. I don't swim in their pool and they leave me alone.
Pic 1 problem area.
Pic2 Ae recurvata var recurvata.
Pic3 Madam Lash today
Pic4 Madam Lash flower.
Pic5 Alacantrea Burle marxii