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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: bromeliads for novices and addicts, sep, 2012, 2 by ianperry

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Photo of bromeliads for novices and addicts, sep, 2012
ianperry wrote:
Hi all, 4 of the crypts are Margaret Pattersons, the NOID could be from anywhere, somehow I have to get it identified to give credit where it is due. It was something like this plant that got me interested in broms about 30 years ago. Living in near desert conditions and the expense and availability of shadecloth then, I had to look in another direction so I grew veggies and succulents.
I now live in Mackay about 5km from the coast but have a tidal creek 300 yards north of me. The front of my house faces north and there is a school 2 doors west.There are a lot of trees on my southern boundary and they constantly drop their leaves and fronds on my broms if I place them in the wrong place.
I have just been comparing some of my plants with photos here and realise that I have not got some of them in the right light. I also have to clean out some of them before crown rot sets in.
I am finding with Neos that some have colour for only a short time and these I am starting to cull.
I made a big mistake a few months ago with treating white fly with Maithion and left it on all my plants, I ought to have washed it off after a couple of hours. A lesson well learned. I lost a few plants to this mistake and some are still struggling.
I really like most of the pictures, some I'm jealous of.
Have a good one

Pic1 Blc Chia Lin
2 acanthrostaccys strobila seed
3 Ae orlandiana the bkack one
4 Ae Ramosa festiva