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Florida Gardening: Yeah, we got bugs in Florida, 2 by floridabunnie

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In reply to: Yeah, we got bugs in Florida

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Photo of Yeah, we got bugs in Florida
floridabunnie wrote:
Wren - the Belgian Turvuren breed is beautiful! Very majestic looking, but I can imagine him running through the mud and rolling around in the dirt. Of course, immediately after a bath! LOL

Cyber - what a cutie! I can imagine it was hard to find a home for your previous dog. We had adopted a lab once and she was a houdini, getting out of the house and the yard constantly. We had to do the same thing; we found a family with two children that lived on a farm that were so excited to take her home.

Here are my furry children. My two boys are deaf, but so loving. My girl in the first picture is half their size and ALL boss :)