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Central Midwest Gardening: May 2012-Plants done Blooming?, 2 by shortleaf

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Photo of May 2012-Plants done Blooming?
shortleaf wrote:
Something that I may have learned about Wisterias from seeds was that Wisteria seedlings come up late, like June late. The Wisterias that I planted from seeds over the Winter are just now coming up and I don't expect all that are going to come up, to come up until this Summer sometime. The big ones were started as seedlings from the old Stephenson's Restaurant last year, existing Wisteria seedlings leaf out about a month or more earlier here. I think seeds need some time to soften the seedcoat if you don't soak them. - They have just taken their time to sprout for me I think, which is fine, I'm a patient sort.
Thanks Pepper, I feel lucky to get even these few Wisterias, I have I think 30 or 40 Wisteria seeds in there to come up eventually. What a shame for Stephenson's though, all those mature Apple trees for pies, I forget what all mature fruit trees they had, all that history tore down for the money. I wasn't going to sit up in an Apple tree when the bulldozers came or anything, a gas station is better than a vacant restaurant I guess, it is all flat now I saw it weekend before last. I remember thinking when they were open, that Stephenson's Restaurant was a perfect example of an overpriced place to eat, this is Independence, Missouri not Beverly Hills, Ca.!
There is only so many rich people here and that isn't many!
I have a couple photos of my chainlink fencerow of Wisteria's, the first one is just a cluster of 6 or 7 Wisteria's and then it show's the fencerow. I am hoping that twice as many will pop up in the coming months, last Fall or Winter I planted a boatload of Wisteria seeds.
Here is a photo of that fence last year when I first started the project. Those were potted Wisteria's from Stephenson's that I'd got the previous year.

How about this TropiCanna, it has 4 stems so far. I saw the bulb from that thing, it is huge, it must weigh about a pound! That shed is getting painted hopefully soon, I just measured it today, I want to cut that landscape edging (also in the to go at the bottoms of the shed, to help slow the deterioration of the bottoms of the wafer-board hopefully.

Okay Crit, the hair got a good watering in yesterday. No squirrels have dug in it yet. Those Liatris are really coming along now.

Yeah, all this rain is crazy, on the news they said we got around 5 inches. Raymore is certainly too close for comfort! Yeah, just lots of water around here, they showed people's basements flooded and everything ruined, they say sewage is on everything that got wet, everything stinks.

Thanks billyp, my back is okay now. It was just like 2 days after I did all the mulching, I straightened up in notches it seemed, like go up 2 inches, stop, go up 2 more inches until I was vertical. It just took me longer to straighten up than it normally would. I'm definitely not young anymore!

That Rose-Of-Sharon cutting is really taking off.

I wanted to add some white Liatris to that rectangular planter-box eventually, maybe next year.

Haha! Yeah, I was glad to find a use for my old hair clippings!

Just edited to say I did a search and found where I mention Wisteria seeds a couple years -

This message was edited May 7, 2012 9:46 PM