Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: Looking for a new look, 2 by warriorswisdomkathy

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Photo of Looking for a new look
warriorswisdomkathy wrote:
Are you going to add some vines? Planted a bunch of annual vine seeds today and now they are getting watered in by Ma nature, love it!! I forgot to add them last year but remembered it was going to rain tonight so I got some in but not all that I want to plant, more on Saturday.
Also if your looking to get longer bloom on your salvias DEADHEAD, this usually encourages further bloom. Every stem that is cut back produces two more stems for blooming. This works with most all perenns. unless it is a season specific bloomer, ie iris, creeping phlox, perennial poppies etc.
Kosk, Sorry my boof, there are several gold varieties, (many height dependant, from 12-24", 5 different ones). I love coreopsis, it's so bright and sunny. I have 2 different ones of the grandifloras, 2 different ones of the the vercitillatas, the light yelllow one might be nice at the feet of your plant or next to it. I got a new one last fall and I checked today and it starting to show signs of life. It's c. v. Rosea, I am anxious to see it bloom again this spring. I also have c. tripteris which blooms at 5-7ft in July and August. But I must admit I'm stumped. When I got it , it bloomed beautifully, that was at about 3500ft. Then I moved to another home and it bloomed a bit, that was at 6200ft. Now in my current garden, it has never bloomed, I now live at 6900ft. Yup, I'm beginng to suspect altitude is the culprit, but I'll keep trying to get it blooming.
Pix: Geum c. Mrs Bradshaw ( a great example of the pink/orange)
Pix: Origanum rotundifolium Kent's Beauty
Pix: Verbascum phoeniceum, comes in white, pink, rose, lavender, and reddish purple, easy to grow and (for me) 24"^x 6-8">. Great filler plant and reseeds if allowed.
Pix: Campanula rotundifolia or portenschlagiana (Let me tell ya thats a mouthful, lol)
So here's a few ideas for you to consider. And I absolutely Love that Amaranthus!!!!!!
Pix 2 is actually, from left to rt., Lavendula, Scabiosa (short one) and Stachy's macrantha

This message was edited Apr 26, 2012 11:43 PM