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Ask-a-Dave's-Gardener: Wheeler\'s Dwarf Pittosporum Help, 2 by joshua9o9

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Image Copyright joshua9o9

Subject: Wheeler\'s Dwarf Pittosporum Help

Forum: Ask-a-Dave's-Gardener

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Photo of Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum Help
joshua9o9 wrote:
Hello! I planted 6 Wheeler\'s Dwarf Pittosporum a month ago in southern California. I was watering them 3 times a week after planting. I now water them once a week. I now have 3 that are showing brown leaves and most of the leaves are falling off. I don\'t know if I\'m over watering or under watering due to the fact I have no idea how much is needed. Also I don\'t know why 3 are doing bad and 3 aren\'t. I water them the same amount. It is a clay type soil but I did amend it. It is rather hot here as well...90 to 100 degrees F. I just want to learn what is wrong and how to fix the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated...thank you

This message was edited Jul 7, 2021 8:07 AM