Photo by Melody

Propagation: Plant Propagation - the Basics, March 2017, 2 by joeswife

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Photo of Plant Propagation - the Basics, March 2017
joeswife wrote:
wow i have missed a lot. Love those begonia tubers over wintered. My mom in law in buffalo just rims her back and amd leaves them in their hanging baskets as they hang out insideher very window fillled house. they come back evry year. I have one begonia a don miller from some one here, i dont see her much anymore on dg. anyway it stays growing all year and it was a tiny three inch baby whe I got it. I over winrered some coctail begonias one year but then killed them with too much water. My goodness Kitt I love love love that spot you chose to rest at. I am glad you take a few minutes here and there to enjoy the beauty of nature in each state you travel through. Alice I wish I had a place in the country becuase i was riased tending to chickes geese ducks and rabbits as our main surce of food and the eggs remind me of those by gone days. thanks for the memories as i looked at you set up. Je, my rose downstairs has a bud on was a bare stick after going thru a few weeks outside and I brought it in and there it is , James, it is almost time to get out and work in the yard, but the wind has kept this toto inside when I am home. I spend a lot of time down here, propagating...... I managed to get two rooted plants off this kings mantle, and the rose of sharon ( a perennial here) has budded, inside the house... last pic is a cape honey suckle hat is blooming and this was a gift from a dg person and it was very small.