Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: LOOKING FOR SPRING..... BROMELIADS 2015, 2 by bromishy

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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bromishy wrote:
Hi Everyone!

Busy day at work today with new person to train that has no experience in contracts but is willing to learn so that’s a start, now proof will be in the pudding.

Hi Jean I can understand where you are coming from when it comes to being on any forum; for me personally it’s just finding enough time and not always easy with work and running a business also but I do adore this forum and the main thing is we can pop in when we can that’s all that matters and we all clearly do care about this forum otherwise we would not even bother coming back; but this is not the case with me personally so here I am back again and loving talking to my beautiful friends here that I have missed since being away; you can’t get rid of me that easy he he he.

We have one car off the road at the moment as Joe was involved in a car accident yesterday (not his fault) but our insurance will cover things and the hire of a car will be billed back to the other person’s insurance that caused the accident; the car that hit Joe from behind while changing his radio station pushed Joe approx. 5 metres forward into the car in front (go figure, young bloke in his twenties); no one was hurt thank goodness and Joe after getting checked out by a doctor whet home and had the rest of the day off to ring our insurance company etc. and think about how to get to work the next day.

Thanks Jean for your kind comments about our garden, we truly adore it and we look forward to the day we get more time to spend in it as the weekends are just never long enough. Tonight while having a cuppa together at the Water Feature we decided to clean-up the herb garden on the weekend in preparation for adding in some fresh herbs before the true heat gets here so will look at doing that together this weekend.

I will get Joe to take some pics of his orchids in flower over the weekend, most being slipper orchids which are his absolute favourite. I have the nursery looking nice a clean now after I weeded the brick pavement so it’s nice for him to go in there now as he does not spend as much time in the garden as I do.

Jean your pics are beautiful and how stunning is Miss Muffet’, you have done a fantastic job growing her from a seedling. Your new baby is lovely too “Pink Perfection”. A huge thanks from Joe for sharing pics with him and keep them coming as they come into flower as he is crazy about orchids as I am with broms LOL. Great pics of your Neo. ‘Aztec’ and Neo. ‘Beauty to Behold’ also. If you had to pick an absolute favourite brom in your garden at the moment what would it be? Hard question I know and I will show you a pic of my favourite over the weekend to see what you think as it’s a stunner in my eyes.

Pleased to hear you liked Ae. ‘Rodo Inverta’ and Neo. ‘Spiral’; I have spare pups of ‘Spiral’ if you want me to post you a pup I would be more than happy to do so just let me know and I will put one aside for you; I would just need to check what size they are and if big enough yet to cut off but I think I may have one ready.

Hi Nev if your looking in; I will send you an email over the weekend and hope to see you back on this forum real soon when you can and hope you are enjoying the other forum as well.

Take Care & Happy Gardening!


Pic 1 - Neo. 'Prince of Darkness'
Pic 2 & 3 - Neo. 'Frivolity'
Pic 4 - Sideways pic of one of the garden beds (sorry) old pic
Pic 5 - Neo. 'Hearts Music x Concentrica'