Photo by Melody

Tomatoes & Peppers: Waiting for my first tomato . . . ., 2 by BetNC

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Image Copyright BetNC

Subject: Waiting for my first tomato . . . .

Forum: Tomatoes & Peppers

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Photo of Waiting for my first tomato . . . .
BetNC wrote:
The plant is called Fourth of July 'cause they promise you;'ll be eating red, ripe tomatoes from it by the 4th. . .I don't think these beauties will wait til then!!

This plant is one of 9 different varieties in my Tomato Jungle (containers of tomatoes with mature heights less than 5 feet, most being 3 feet), with a mix of indeterminates/determinates, heirloom/hybrid and spanning very early to late season. The 4 pics of fruit are different plants and taken this morning.

Can you guess how much I like tomatoes??? LOL