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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: BROMELIADS GOING INTO WINTER 2015, 2 by 77sunset

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77sunset wrote:
Good morning.
Its back to very cold after a pleasant weekend. Some light rain yesterday evening but pretty chilly here and nearly a frost this morning.
Amazing how the weather can change so much in a few hours. The sun is out now and it should be a nice day.
My plants are not suffering form the cold at all. It probably comes from them not being pampered and having to brave the weather when they were living at the old house.
It pays to be strict with

Nev, I love the dendrobiums and had a few but never brought any here.
I stuck to my cymbids as I find them much hardier when they have to be out in the open.
I have a lovely long flower stem on one of them now. Poor thing is totally confused as to when it should be flowering.
Usually around October for mine.
The brom pics you showed are lovely.
My Braz-el was getting be nearly 2 foot across and as much a sI loved it, it was way too large to keep here.
I was looking at a couple of the larger broms yesterday and the neos DeRolf and Exotica Velvet are growing right over all the others.
I will leave them for the winter, but will have to move them once it warms up.
Neo Burbank is not far behind either.

My zygos have put on a nice show here and I am now waiting for Spring to see all my cyclamens and clivias in flower. The daphnes are coming out and the perfume is lovely.

Brian, I love your stripey brom in your pic 3. I have a weakness for these ones.
I hope the weather has been kind to you up there so you can get on with the shadehouse.
Having some of the family there for a time will be nice for you. Maybe you can talk them into helping you build.

Trish, I hope your Mum is keeping warm down here . You are going to be excited to have time with her again.
I hope all your slithery friends have gone off to hibernate for a while. I doubt if I will see any at all where I live now as there is no bush for them to hide in.
There were quite a few Tigers around at the house, but they were never a worry as we always gave them plenty of room .

Better get myself going as its a day for my hospital group. We are going to be cooking yummy baked potatoes to have for lunch with coleslaw & cheese.

Enjoy the day everyone and keep safe.

no new brom pics so I'll post a couple of the oldies.
neos Exotica Velvet and DeRolf
