Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: BROMELIADS GOING INTO WINTER 2015, 2 by 77sunset

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77sunset wrote:
Hello everyone.
I moved us as Teresa was getting worn out walking up the long path to the

We came from here

I have been doing a bit of driving but not sightseeing, just getting a few things done over in Hamilton.
Once the Spring arrives, I will be out and about further afield.
The new car is a dream to drive, but will take time to figure out what half the switches and buttons do.

Teresa, its great you are working, but do watch yourself as the tiredness can affect your actions.
I hope it soon clears up and I guess its mainly your body having gotten used to not working the usual work hours, so its rebeling a bit.
I bet Sugar is missing you during the day now.
You'd better watch out for little mischief

Nev, beautiful pics of the bills.
I love the bill flowers even though they dont last long.
My bill Hallelujah is going to need splitting in the Spring as it has taken over all the pot now.
I notice a touch more green on it now that the sun is weaker.

Trish, another snake ?????
You definitely are the snake lady...
They probably think...aha... this place looks like it may have lots of froggies to eat.

Brian, lovely to hear you had some sun at last. The rain might do damage but still , the plants appreciate it after they recover from the downpours.
Nice to hear you are going to start on the new shadehouse. like the others, I love seeing pics of the progress.
I do miss all my shadehouses, but in reality, I could not manage them all now.

Hello to everyone else looking in.
Its my day for the hospital group, so I had better start moving.

Take care and stay safe.

again, just a few old pics..... aechmeas gamosepala, recurvata and organensis.