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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: OUR BROMELIADS INTO 2015.. , 2 by bromishy

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Photo of  OUR BROMELIADS INTO 2015..
bromishy wrote:
Hi Everyone!

Spent a wee bit of time in the garden over the weekend cutting off pups, watering broms, lawns and garden beds as not much rain happening here at present and today was spent also doing bookwork which I am glad to have gotten out the road. I will try to spend a little more time late this arvo in the garden once the day cools down a tad bit, even if it’s just to sit under a shady tree and kick back and relax before the day comes to a close.

Nev lovely pics you posted of your friends Dendrobiums, aren’t they amazing the assortment of colours they come in, truly breathtaking I find them and I can’t wait to show Joe the pictures.

Your Neo’s in the shade house on the bench are looking great – look at all that in your face colour. Oh and I just opened the pics of your own hybrids, they look amazingly beautiful – Pic 5 of xNiduregelia x (Unknown Pollen Parent) has such stunning colour with that intense orange and even yellow shining through.

Teresa how did your recent interview go or is it too early to tell? Hope all goes well for you with all the effort your are putting in, I know how tiring the search can be when applying for new jobs but sounds like your exploring every avenue and hats off to you and hope you land yourself a great job real soon.

That’s what I need a pedicure to revitalise these tired feet of mine, I keep meaning to book in but it’s really something I have never done before as I like to take care of my own feet usually as I hate the smells that come out of some of those places with all the chemicals that build up in the shops, can’t be good for your health; I should just grab my foot spa out and get into the habit of soaking them more often and using the fantastic products I already have at home that are far kinder to nature.

Congratulations “Sugar” on your award!!! What a clever girl you are. BIG HI FIVE from Lucy & Lexi.

Brian I too sometimes find the fungus spores in some of my brom pots, I mainly find them in some of the orchid mixes I buy, not when I crack open the bad but once I have used in pots and the mix is exposed to light and moisture. I just usually dig out and replace with fresh mix even though I know it does not do my broms any harm, it’s mainly in case our dogs decide to have a taste test as I worry could be poisonous to them? My plants get plenty of air flow so for me it’s just a case of the mix that I buy.

Your broms look fantastic and look at all those pups popping up everywhere, have you come up with a plan where to accommodate them all, always such a rewarding time to be cutting / potting up new pups.

Jean your latest painting looks fantastic, can’t mistaken them for anything else but roses.

Thanks so much for asking how mum is coping with the heat, she is doing really well and picking her times to go out but is never the less getting heaps achieved around the garden with new garden beds popping up everywhere and more shade cloth going up to protect all her bromeliads. I luv listening to her talk about her garden and the passion she feels for each and everything she grows and now she is well and truly at the point where she has enough to share with her friends and the passion is rubbing off on them too and she gets great joy out of this and I get great joy of listing to her and we find it hard to get off the phone sometimes LOL.

Your Vriesea’s look fantastic and I am glad they are doing so well in your garden as I know how much you luv them and all the other stunning plants you grow.

Thanks taking things nice and easy with my shoulder as it is aggravated enough without me overdoing things.

Anyway time to head off as want to cut Joe's hair while there is still some daylight.

Take Care & Happy Gardening!


Pic 1 - Neo. 'Concentrica x ?'
Pic 2 - Vr. 'Cracker Jack'
Pic 3 - Vr. 'Raphel'
Pic 4 - Neo. 'NOID' - any clues?
Pic 5 - Vrieseas in the Igloo