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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: OUR BROMELIADS INTO 2015.. , 2 by 77sunset

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Photo of  OUR BROMELIADS INTO 2015..
77sunset wrote:
Good morning.
Its so lovely at the moment here. There was a small shower of rain overnight making the morning fresh and lovely to be outside.
All the plants are looking to the sky for more rain.
We may get a little as the clouds are there, but going on what usually happens, the sun will come out and burn the clouds away.

I pulled out my two tomato plants as they were getting to b every straggly and I have had enough tomatoes. I must have had at least 50 from the two plants, so well worth having them.
I'll have to plant something else in the space now. Have to have a think on what will grow during winter.

Yes, Nev, the broms seem to not be worried by all the fertiliser they get.
I alternate between different ones for the brugmansias and other plants. so the brom diet is

During winter, I may move all the broms from the back area to the front. The veranda is wider and they will be protected from any real cold there.
The brugmansias will be cut back anyway, so it wont bother them to stay in the back area. There is nothing much else to worry about. The clivias live right at the back of the front veranda, but will come right out during winter as they flower in spring.
The broms can hide behind them .

My roses will be also looking for cooler weather so the flowers can open instead of being toasted.
I am hoping that another year in their pots will make them hardier and used to the heat a bit more.
The odd thing is that those at the back in full afternoon sun are doing better than the ones that get sun only until about noon.
Too bad now as the pots are large and I would never move them.

Brian, you have some lovely broms coming on.
I am guessing the pretty one in pic 4 is an aechmea, one of the orlandiana lot.
I like all the colors they get as they mature.

Teresa, you will have a tree full of bill nutans before long.
They are certainly one of the hardiest I have had. Hope Miss Sugar is enjoying herself after the great win.

Trish , lovely to see you back again.
Take care of that shoulder. Its often the old injuries we have that give trouble.
Hope your Mum is doing well with our heat down here. She must be having fun with her broms as they grow and pup .

Its still overcast here but I will go out and water anyway as there wasnt enough rain to do much except wet the path.
Besides, I enjoy watering now that I only have the smaller area.
At the house, the area was so much larger , with so many plants, I didnt always get to see those at the back closely.
Here I am on intimate terms with all the

Better move.

Take care and keep cool.
A few old vriesea pics again. I must get new ones.
pic 1... a David Shigii hybrid

pic 2... Margarita

pic 3...Pink Blush
