Photo by Melody

Florida Gardening: My first raised bed garden for vegtables, 0 by jamibad

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Photo of My first raised bed garden for vegtables
jamibad wrote:
Thanks David and Q, your comments are very much appreciated, Today I started in the other bed, behind the far fence, the bed garden is finished for now, I'll go back and plant some more multi colored corn, ( I have 24 seeds in the block) I planted sweet bi-licious hybrid from 'Burpee', and saved some room in the bed for additional corn, to be planted about 4 weeks from now, ( I haven't ever bought or traded seed yet, need to start doing it, but I'm just use to going to Lowe's and looking at their seed rack, picking out what looks good, and than planting it)Next year I'll do what I've been learning here at DG, and that's ordering seed from catalogs, after reading up on what others order for my area here in central Florida. Today I started 2 hills for my corn seed in the far garden,this time I planted another Burpee type, sweet white called "sweet opal hybrid", I have 2 hills finished with 26 seeds in each row, the most back breaking planting I've done so far , and I still have 1 or 2 more hills to go, this bed is much bigger than the multi colored corn I planted. I love white corn better, but decided to try a few multi, just to see which grows best here in my soil. When I say it was the hardest of all my planting, I mean it! Even though the beds were tilled almost 2 weeks ago, it was still hard on me, to get the soil amended, and create the hills for my plantings, I swear I never seen so much dirt, but I was getting rid of the old and adding new, 2 rows took me 4 hours, and that was brutal. I was a little rushed as , while I was working I could see the rain clouds moving in, and I wanted this done before the rain came, at least most of the corn, anyway, as I was cleaning up for the day, Yeah!!! It started to rain, not a lot, but it was enough to make me smile, and I'm praying for more, I hear we may have a good chance of rain for the next 3 days, may God bless us here in Flagler County, ,and give us rain!!!! I do need to get the other rows of corn in, but oh darn, I can do it in between the rain drops! lol ! My Dh is starting to think I'm possessed! Everyday, I wake up, eat my cereal, and head for the gardens, never to be seen again till lunch, and he swears I'm not eating lunch, but I am, he's just not noticing, and he's made us dinner the last 3 days now, today was the best, corn beef and cabbage, with mashed potatoes! I started the corn beef this am before going out to the garden, he finished that, and peeled the potatoes for mashed, and did the cabbage. He did well!!!! ( he did ask me what to put into the potatoes while mashing them, he knew butter for sure, but I also use a little mayo for the creaminess, and the taste. When I came in from the garden he was just finishing up! For me, a great big long shower to ease my neck muscles, and when I came out from the shower, dinner was served! What a great day, good gardening, rain, and a long hot shower and the best, great food, prepared by my better half! I am so relaxed, it's just a matter of time before I'm sound asleep! I know you looked at the time as I write this, but I did sit here and read some of my favorite items before skipping to my own thread, there just isn't enough time in my day to do everything I want to do, I'm hyper, but I know I still need to slow down before bed. If it rains I can finish some of my crafts I've started and put on hold till the main part of the garden is done. Than it's just maintenance, the hard part is done, and I have about a week of gardening, than can sit back and relax. My green house is coming alive with my seedlings, but these are all for later planting, don't want everything coming in at once, need to space it all out. I look forward to taking it easy after the hard part of the garden is finished, next year it'll be much easier as the beds will have been built, and the soil amended from this year, not as much to do as it was this year, starting from scratch! I hope it all pays off!
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