Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 114, 0 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM # 114

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 114
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone.
Its freezing here this morning because we have a frost. Going to be a lovely day later though. The sun is shining and no wind or cloud.
I hope my bruggies are all okay out there. Not going out yet, my toes & fingers need warming up first.

Not much done yesterday as we had light sprinkles most of the day with a cold wind.
I did get one of the tomato grow bags done. It is now hanging on the old clothes hoist.
I put two plants in the bottom and will do the second bag in a week or so when my seedling tomatoes are bigger.
The climbing beans are now starting to put up their tendrils.
Should be lots of beans later.

The epis are getting closer to flowering with lots of big fat buds. My hatioras are also going to be out for Christmas.
I am hoping to see a flower or two on the white hatiora as they are very rare.

Hello Moon. I saw some of the news about all the snow etc coming on the devastated areas over there.
I do feel for all those trying to survive after the hurricane and now being snowed on. Winter is the worst time for any disaster to hit.
Not that there is a better time for any disaster, but things can be more manageable if the weather is fine and people are not freezing.

Al, I hope my tomatoes do as well as your plants did.
I will have some in the ground as well as the bags.
Hope you are not getting too much snow .

Dianne, how are things down your way. Did you get any rain yesterday ?
I have planted the last of my flower seeds here so will be looking for any that grow and flower.

Hello Charleen. hope you are still getting some nice weather too.
I saw the tail end of Charley this morning as I came in.
I think Abigail was sitting on his back.
Didnt see dear little T Bo, but he was probably there too.

Hello Colleen, Chrissy, Anthony and Teresa. I hope you are all enjoying sunshine .
Enjoy your gardens. Anthony, you will be surrounded in lilium blooms. Love the one you posted .

I am going to get another cuppa to warm my fingers.

Hers a tasty nibble for morning tea. .....Chocolate Berry Loaf..

Enjoy the day