Photo by Melody
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Specialty Gardening: Trees in Containers - a Discussion, 0 by Lily_love

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Photo of Trees in Containers - a Discussion
Lily_love wrote:
happgarden, the blue flowers belong to that of Thunbergia grandiflora. They're a tender perennial vine (hardy to zone 7b+). They usually are hardy in the garden (here) except some unusual harsh winter. So I've those growing both in the ground and in hanging baskets in order to safeguard some for the following year should there be real bad weather. Like Al has explained; trees in pots without being root pruned/ and repotted at intervals. The result is decreased vitality in the plant itself. An example; my' Dr. D/ brug. This is losing its vigor (notice the leaves are small & scarce) because I haven't repotted it in several years. Insufficient root mass and lack of nutrients.