Photo by Melody

Clematis: Clematis Fall Planting, 0 by pirl

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Photo of Clematis Fall Planting
pirl wrote:
You can buy compost or even composted manure - either will work but for your own sake, make sure the label includes the word "deodorized".

You made some lovely choices and I hope they bloom well for you. I have over 100 clematises and wish they all came from Brushwood.

Never again will I buy co-op sized plants. They just take too long to perform. Sure, they may give you a flower or two the first year but they take
much too long to look like an established garden addition.

There is one exception: By February I'm eager to watch something grow and I often buy clematises at Walmart or HD in those little green bags.
I was thrilled this year to buy two Venosa Violacea and they're both in one self-watering Walmart pot and blooming very well right now. These two are just 6.5 months old.

Regarding the Epsom Salt: It encourages "new basal break" (more stems, more flowers). It's Sulfate of Magnesium and some people apply it at the base
of the plant, on the soil and water it in well. April is a good time to apply it for those of us in zone 7. At any time during the growing season if you notice
yellowing leaves then make the application of Magnesium Sulfate/Epsom Salt. Many people read the word "salt" and think of table salt but have no fear.
This is safe for plants. Do not "scratch it in" the top layer of soil. It's too easy to hit the clematis roots.

Thanks. I love to receive Brushwood's clematises and see those healthy roots as I turn over the pot to plant the clematis. Make sure you loosen any
tangled roots before you plant. Just tease them apart gently. Plant deeply, water well but not to excess*, and check them often for the first month so
you can get ahead of any problem. If your weather turns unusually wet or dry then adjust your watering habits.

*Clematises want cool, moist roots, not drenching wet. I've killed one doing that! Ignore people who tell you to drown them with water.

It's the wrong thing to do.