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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 105, 0 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM # 105

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 105
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone. Still some light rain here. The garden looks so much greener even after such a small lot. All the dust washed off makes a difference.
The plants are all standing up straight and looking to the sky.
I did nothing yesterday except water the orchids in the covered shadehouse. I save rainwater for them from the gutters on the old shed down the back. They like a change from tap water.
Not so cold this morning . Hubby says more hot weather maybe next week .
I can hear the weeds starting to rumble underground.

Its not a nice thing to have , but with all the dry weather, there is a huge amount of native bush rats and common grey rats.
Apparently they are all over the whole district. Now I know what was eating all the snail pellets. We have plenty of rat bait blocks out now .
The shops were running out with so many people wanting the stuff. .
The darn little b*** can eat whole blocks in an hour or so..
They have to be controlled with baits or we would be over run . Luckily they seem to stay outside in the sheds and shadehouses.

Anthony, sounds like you are enjoying the weekend. With all those liliums you will need a map to find yourself. I moved mine just inside the shed and sad to say, some have been nibbled by the darn rats.
Hopefully most will still grow.

Teresa, those babies are so cute and couldnt you just hug them to bits .. Sounds like Copper & Sugar have you well trained to take them out when they want..

Moon, that was an interesting little link. When I used to live in the town of Bright, up in our mountains in the north of the state, those trees were planted along one of the avenues in the middle of town. I have seen car roofs with large dents from them falling. The council used to remove the cones where possible or cordon off the area.

Karen, nice to see you getting about much better now. A nice walk does noone any harm , does it ?
Like the sculpture.

Dianne, hubby said if I danced naked outside, I'd scare everything for miles. He thought it very funny, to picture me + wrinkles , jumping about madly .
I hope your plants a re enjoying the rain. My brugs have shredded leaves too but most of them had smaller growth after the episode of mites, so dont look as bad.

Colleen, you must have full water tanks by now. Hope your garden is enjoying it all too.

Hello to everyone else popping in for a cuppa.
I ma off to see what I can do outside. Maybe do some potting up of the bromeliad pups I want to sell at the market . I can do that in the greenhouse so wont stop any rain from getting on the

Try this for morning tea....a very decadent Chocolate Cake..

Have a happy day whether you are wet or dry.