Photo by Melody

Orchids: Building a collection beyond the basics?, 0 by dyzzypyxxy

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Photo of Building a collection   beyond the basics?
dyzzypyxxy wrote:
Jan, I am fairly new at this orchid game, too. Was determined not to get into growing orchids in fact, until my daughter said I was crazy and bought me two for a birthday a couple of years ago. From there it became "well, if I have to fuss over orchids, I may as well have a few more" and I was hooked!

I am growing my 'chids in the great outdoors, here in coastal mid-Florida. We do get some cold nights in winter where I have to protect them or bring them indoors, but mostly I am working towards having my orchids part of the landscape as much as possible the rest of the year. Thus, I am with you on looking for adaptable, non-fussy types. So far I have not had any orchid fatalities, although a couple of my Phals have given me trouble. (People say they're easy "beginner" orchids - I think they're pretty fussy and don't like to be moved around either).

I have four of Jim's All Stars, and his advice has been terrific. I must say I think any of the Brassavolas are lovely, and very easy care. They also have delicate, elegant flowers fairly often that are fragrant at night. I'd add Brassavola nodosa, the so-called 'Lady of the Night' orchid to Jim's list. The second picture is another Brassavola cross 'Yellow Bird' that began with this reddish color on the petals then matured to a yellow lip and orange petals.

The other type I am now collecting are mini-Oncidiums or Tolumnias. (first pic) They are winter-spring bloomers, quite small plants but they put up lovely flower scapes of many small flowers and are easy bloomers. I like their small size, for easy care while they're not blooming. Lately, Lowe's has had them available indoors in the tropical plants area for $7 each.

I've had similar advice as to getting Paphs to bloom. They need just the right temp and light conditions, it seems. A grower advised me that they also like generous water (i.e. not to dry out between waterings) and fertilizer! So now when I'm finished misting everybody, I stick the mister in that paph's tiny little pot and give it an extra good squirt. We shall see!