Photo by Melody
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Dahlias: Finally, a few blooms !!, 0 by psudan

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Image Copyright psudan

Subject: Finally, a few blooms !!

Forum: Dahlias

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Photo of Finally, a few blooms !!
psudan wrote:
After the worst Spring that I can imagine, the Dahlias are starting to bud and bloom. We had record rainfall so I didn't plant until mid-late June. A couple were even planted after the first week of July. I started off with about 65 tubers and have lost 15 or more when the rain recently returned ( over 4 inches yesterday ) along with the heat and cat "fertilizer". Ever wish you could wake up one morning and find out it was next Spring so you could start over again? LOL Oh well, enough complaining. Anyway this is Peach Delight.