Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 89, 0 by 77sunset

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Image Copyright 77sunset

In reply to: TEA ROOM # 89

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 89
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone. My fingers are frozen this morning. I went outside, but soon came back in. It is very chilly out there after a lovely mild day yesterday. Still cold but sunny and no cold wind.
There isnt much I can do out in the garden at the moment. Aside from pulling weeds, that is. Not much use doing that either as I am waiting for the Roundup to take full effect. When all the weeds go yellow. one can see all the bright green of the new ones coming up.
Not a good time to try and weed in clay soil when its wet as you end up with great lumps of wet dirt.
My orchid flowers are starting to slowly open. I have 3 stems on the one that flowered last year and one stem on one that hubby bought for me a few years ago. There are two more stems on other plants but until they grow a bit, I am not sure if they are flower stems or just new shoots. .
Anthony, you will be in lilium paradise soon , when they all start to get tall and flower. Dont overdo the weeding , we dont want you getting a sore back.
Teresa, I see on the news that some people are upset about the plane cancellations but what do they expect airlines to do ? You cant fight Mother Nature.
Personally, I would not like to be flying when there is any danger of ash affecting the planes.
Pam, you are in danger of becoming a Tillandsia addict , I can see. I love mine and really want to get a few more when finances permit.
Colleen, you will need a new yard and shadehouse by the sound of things. It must be nice to have all Brians plants around as well as your own.
Charleen. I hope you have had a bit of rain and cooler weather. Give Charley a cookie and a hug.
Hello Karen, Elaine, Chrissy and everyone else looking in.
Louise, I'm so glad to see you back again. I hope your touring went well. How are the darling girls ? They will be great travellers by now.
You will be anxious to get back to your garden and see whats been going on while you were away.
Better get out in the kitchen and see whats there for nibbles.
Hmmmm, seeing I'm in chocolate mood, try these Chocolate Truffles.
Have a lovely day .