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Mid-South Gardening: This Crazy Weather!!, 0 by ButterflyChaser

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Image Copyright ButterflyChaser

Subject: This Crazy Weather!!

Forum: Mid-South Gardening

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Photo of This Crazy Weather!!
ButterflyChaser wrote:
The weather has been so brutal recently. I'm not complaining...yet. 30 or so miles from here, people have been evactuated from their homes and are sleeping in shelters due to the flooding. At least I'm still in my home...for now. I'm wondering if I should get sandbags or something. We're getting more rain dumped on us today (2 inches they say) and another 2 inches tomorrow and still more on Tues!

There's a ditch that runs behind my property, just 8 ft from my house. It is overflowing. My house sits flat on the ground, right on the ditchbank. I've built the bank up as much as I can to contain the flow. The city is not good about keeping it cleaned out. If a beaver dams it up somewhere, I get flooded. It's a big ditch that catches all the runoff on the highway. Today I'm a bit concerned.

Here are pictures of what it looks like around here--not as bad as what you see on the news in the Black River area, but scary to me since it's getting so close to my house.

This is the river that is running thru my side yard. See the bridge? There's a pond around the bridge. And you can't tell the difference between my pond and my gardens. It's all under water now.