Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 85, 0 by DawnSong

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Image Copyright DawnSong

In reply to: TEA ROOM # 85

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 85
DawnSong wrote:
Charleen, I love camellias. I have only one and it has been terribly cut up and knocked around by a bulldozer, but it still soldiers on. I am going to have to prune it to get some sort of shape back into it, but will wait until it flowers again first. Yours is a beautiful shape. I love the view from your back door.

Jean, well done on the pile of mulch. I'd be the same. My daughter once asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and I asked for a pile of dirt. She never got over it.

Chrissy, thank you for the contest link. I'd given up hoping to see the entries. Now I can go and browse to my heart's content.

Pam, look forward to seeing more of your photos. Lucky you getting to see Liddles. Obviously they are continuing with the business after his death. There was some fear it would close down. Glad to see his legacy lives on.

Marlene, the open garden we saw today wasn't very big, but well and truly packed. Worth the visit. Very tropical and would be lovely to live in that setting. The house is gorgeous too, Old Qld'er style with lovely big verandahs.

Hello Anthony, and everyone else.


From Dallas Kampe's Tropical Garden today...