Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 77, 0 by 77sunset

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 77
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone. A bit of a dull morning so far. I have the washing on so it will probably rain.
We had a lovely day in Hamilton yesterday. Very warm and a nice breeze. Our favorite cafe has new owners who are doing a great job. I had a large hamburger , one of my favorite eating out foods. A gourmet burger on a foccacia roll, so much nicer than the usual bread roll. I always have a muffin for dessert and yesterday was a blueberry one Yummmm.
I know it sounds piggish but we only go out once or twice a fortnight so I feel I can splurge on something nice.
Had to buy new undies too. It gets to the stage where all the ones in the drawer are getting old like me. Has anyone found that while we were not lookjng, the human body changed shape ?
To wear what shops sell as underwear , one needs to be about as tall as a duck and as skinny as a rake with odd shaped anatomy parts.
I have never seen such an odd array of lingerie. Where in the world does one buy proper underwear ? Looking along the shelves, it seems that the makers think everyone is about a size 6 or 26. Not a lot in the middle . Lots of flimsy things that I think were supposed to be worn as undies but I'm not sure about them actually covering any part of the anatomy. The important piece is either nonexistant or about 1/2 "wide. Even hubby had to laugh.
Getting something to hold the wobbly top bits is as hard. Where do these makers get their measurements from ?
If one can find anything marked as the size wanted, it will most likely be way too small.
Looking at the people in the streets, I wonder exactly what they are wearing underneath as the largest percentage seemt o be around my size 16-18 or larger. Even the young people are often large.
I may have to save up and patronise some exclusive boutique that may sell the right size in a proper set of comfortable unmentionables.
Men don't seem to have the same problems. Hubby walks up to a shelf , grabs a pack of anything and they fit.
Socks too are an endangered species. How in the world is one supposed to keep those funny half things on the feet ?
I have tried , but I like socks, proper socks. I did find some but mostly have to resort to mens socks.
Why are men so easily catered for ? It seems their bodies are still thought of as a normal size.
Oh well, enough of the running on.
Back to gardens. So much more interesting.
Hello to all looking in. I am still photographing the iris. About 20 or so still to open. The epi buds are swelling quickly so flowers will be imminent.
Better move and get some domestic stuff done before I disappear outside.
Shopping day tomorrow so I hope the weather is nice. I need a new plant so will be on the lookout for orphans.
Karen, I have seedlings from an epi and I think zygos are just as slow to grow and flower. It can take years . I never bother with any seeds at all now.
Teresa, love your skinny friend. He should get on well with Charleens ones. I think he needs a good feed though. ha ha
Charleen, your dog does look comfy there.
Hello Marlene, beautiful orchids.
Hello to everyone else. I will put out something yummy. Here we are, Chocolate Peanut Squares.
Have great day and keep dry and safe.