Photo by Melody
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Hydrangeas: Please ID this for me, 0 by Linny1

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Image Copyright Linny1

Subject: Please ID this for me

Forum: Hydrangeas

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Photo of Please ID this for me
Linny1 wrote:
This hydrangea was here when we moved here. It is planted on the east side where it greets the sun everyday, so it would follow that it gets afternoon shade. It started out blooming lime green and whitish, then the blooms turned blue as shown in the collage, then they turned back a darker green with tinges of purple. I did not cut the blooms until today because I wanted to see what they would do. As I got down into the bush, there were small new blooms, and it is October 10th.

I put some in a cornucopia in wet florists foam, and put others into a vase. There must be two bushel baskets of blooms out on the driveway, waiting to be thrown away or hung up and dried. \

Can someone tell me how to dry them?

This thing blooms so profusely and is so gorgeous I'd like to propagate it. Maybe someone could advise me about that too. I just have gotten interested in hydrangeas because I plan to put white ones in a shade garden .

Thanks, for your help.
