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Rural Gardening: retired, living self sufficently in Alabama, 0 by freedom_sailer

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Image Copyright freedom_sailer

Subject: retired, living self sufficently in Alabama

Forum: Rural Gardening

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Photo of retired, living self sufficently in Alabama
freedom_sailer wrote:
Here in Alabama ive went off grid, i got totaly tired of the laws that this country and utility companys has put us under. i've build a log cabin totaly off grid its nice not to have paid an electric bill nor a water bill in over five years now. i grow my own food (tobacco included), kill my own meats, pretty much stay to myself. i have 20 acres of land here with a creek running through it, even a waterfalls in my front yard that will have a waterwheel generator in it this spring, i use solar panels and wood gas, it all works out really nice. actualy the only bills i have is my phone an internet, ins. on my blazer 4x4 and a few supplies that i need from time to time, i store lots of food in salt boxes and my root celler also. hard times is what you make from them.
its alot of work maybe more than some think, i retired in 2001 at the age of 44 havent worked a job sence, lost my wife my soul mate in 2004 to cancer, so now im living out my dream. i have an online store to help with some extra income but my hunting and fishing an raising food is my livelyhood its how i survive now. yawl work a job to provide things for your families shelter, heat, food etc. where as i do the work to grow it an kill and process it, i cut my own firewood to stay warm an also to cook with alot of the time. i really see no difference in the way i live other than i am my boss and i get paid what i put into it. same same, course i do lots of barter'n also. LOL
i was a Master Machinist for Hyster Fork Lift Company for 25 years, so im actaualy a machinist by trade but most say im a jack of all trades, if it can be done ill find a way to do it.

glass half full ? or is it half empty ? the choice is ours to take a stand or live with it an suffer along with everyone else.
life is what YOU make of it, we each have the power to control our own destiny (to some point)

course i love sailing, hunting, fishing, makin wine an other spirits.
im also a Creek/Cherokee mix with a tad of irish.
well thats enough for now.
