Photo by Melody

Vines and Climbers: Trumpet vine that won't trumpet, 0 by Amos55

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In reply to: Trumpet vine that won't trumpet

Forum: Vines and Climbers

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Photo of Trumpet vine that won't trumpet
Amos55 wrote:
I had a trumpet vine that took a long while before it bloomed. Now it is very woody and blooms like crazy and I just love it. I have it on my wood fence wish I had put it somewhere else:)

Now for the wisteria plant oh my goodness. I bought a stick from Gurneys seed years ago. It ended up being a nice looking tree( how I trained it). I had it for 20 years and I tired prunning it hard cutting the roots just about anything you could think of and it never never bloomed. I fianlly cut it down.

I moved to a new house and found this one at a local nursery. It was loaded with blooms and I bought it for 30.00 just to have some blooms. I felt as though I deserved it LOL This spring I noticed it didn't come back. I went to the nursery and the woman said to try watering it good. By the end of summer no luck still dead as a door nail. So this spring I will get a new one for free. I am determined to have one!!!!!

Good luck
