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Beginner Gardening: New bees chit chat Come in!! 1 /15/10, 0 by enidcandles

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In reply to: New bees chit chat Come in!! 1 /15/10

Forum: Beginner Gardening

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Photo of New bees chit chat Come in!! 1 /15/10
enidcandles wrote:
Is it too early (or too late) to start a lasagna bed now? I know I read about them somewhere - I have newspapers and/or cardboard and leaves. Oh, and a have my very own poop making machine - however, human waste in my veggies sounds pretty gross. I swear that grandson of mine can poop more than any baby I have ever seen! I should have bought stock in pampers this year.

Are you talking about pop cans - the aluminum ones?? Heaven forbid I use pop cans for gardening - those are like gold to some folks around here. (DH keeps them - one here, six over there, two behind his seat.....but we can't throw them away.)
How about old semi parts for "bulk"? That would work if they are clean don't you think? I am sure the plant roots wouldn't be too fond of diesel fuel or grease.

The semi rims look like this - they are 22.5 inches tall and it is probably 7' around. This is where I am going to plant my black eyed susan vine. The bell thing I bought somewhere, the pot stand is from the pot DH broke last year mowing. The one my BF had given me for my BDay - great big strawberry pot, (goes outside weeping in sorrow for the lost pot)