Photo by Melody

Wildlife: Heidi Chronicles: Raising the Kids, 0 by DreamOfSpring

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Photo of Heidi Chronicles: Raising the Kids
DreamOfSpring wrote:
Heidi (back right) and her 3 kids. The kids on the far right is holding an egg. There is another egg in the left foreground. Note that the other foreground kit is interested in the egg that its sibling has and seems unaware of the 2nd egg lying near his foot.

The kid with the egg was holding it and trying to bite the end off, no doubt the way he had seen the adults do and possibly the way that Heidi had taught him to do with the smaller, lighter bird's eggs. At some point early on the while the kids was holding the egg up in the air, it got off balance (possibly he didn't account for the shifting weight of the yolk inside). In yet another of those 3 Stoges moments, he struggled with it, juggled it for what seemed an eternity during which I was really pulling for him, but eventually he ended up tossing the raw egg over his shoulder. Incredibly, buffered by the grass (and weeds) it didn't break, so he was able to retrieve it and try again. The 2nd effort went much better.

They are such a marvel and so enjoyable to observe at this age!