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Trees, Shrubs and Conifers: Conifers: What are you growing?, 0 by Equilibrium

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Photo of Conifers: What are you growing?
Equilibrium wrote:
Of course I remember. I loved that program.

We got there bright and early this morning and their plants were all over the place. They were frantically rushing here there and everywhere like chickens with their heads cut off. It's that time of year again!

I was able to buy the P. banksiana 'Uncle Fogy' that I wanted really bad and was very pleased with the tree I picked out. I was also able to get two P. sylvestris 'Hillside Creeper' and the man who picked them out for me chose two that had excellent shapes to them. His name was Tom and he was really great to work with. I am thrilled with the two 'Hillside Creeper' plants. I have to take a photo of those tomorrow to show all of you as they are way cool plants. I was able to get the Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry' but they only had one 'Autumn Gold' left and it didn't look too happy to me so I chose to wait until next year for that plant. Big bummer for me is that they didn't have any Taxodium distichum 'Fastigiata' left in the 6 gallon size. He suggested a T. distichum 'Shawnee Brave' but I really had my heart set on the 'Fastigiata'. Other than that, I have to wait for a Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Dawn Redwood ‘Gold Rush'. They had a 6 gallon for $275 but I wasn't in the mood to pay more than a $125 for that particular plant so I sort of wanted it in the 3 gallon size.

We're going back next year. I'd like to pick up the plants I missed out on this year. That Tom guy was really helpful. Next year I'm going back for the 'Fastigiata', the 'Autumn Gold', and the 'Gold Rush' in the size I want. This place was a real trip. They had garden paths that were sort of like a labyrinth. There was a pond that was centrally located and they had gorgeous statuary and iron work through out the entire nursery. It was almost like walking through an arboretum. Most of their plants were clearly marked. I'd like to go back there later on when it is warmer just to poke around and see if there is anything else that interests me. They have phenomenal plants. If anyone is anywhere near this nursery you should stop in. The place is rammed with plants. It's a coniferaholic's dream come true. So many beautiful plants every way you turn.

Here's a photo I took when we were up by the area where they kept the smaller 1 gallon plants-