Ask-a-Dave's-Gardener: Surface roots on drake elm, 0 by Feebysowner
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In reply to: Surface roots on drake elm
Forum: Ask-a-Dave's-Gardener
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Feebysowner wrote: A lot of information - but all good! Thanks! The tree was purchased in a 65 gallon container. The nursery who sold it to us also installed it, and planted it at the same soil level as it was in the container. The pretty deeply grounded root/trunk debris was removed before planting - for the very reasons you mentioned; and top soil and fertilizer added at time of planting. They trenched the area around the tree for water absorption, and we pretty much just let the trench collapse over time. The only pic I have (included here), unfortunately doesn't show anything up close relative to the roots. I just know the current surface roots are definitely larger than what they were at time of purchase - and appear to have 'multiplied', so to speak. Every drake elm we have had in the past has always lost their leaves during our winter season down here, so I didn't consider this to be an issue with this tree either. I will look closer at the cross limbs to see, based on your description, if I can determine what should be removed. I did fail (actually, I had forgotten, until reading your comments) to mention that we had yet another drake elm - totally different location in the yard - that literally 'fell down' one day after being in the ground for 10-15 years. It appears it strangled itself due to a large amount of surface roots growing over time, most not even visible. So, that is another of my worries about the surface roots on this new tree. Did I give you any more information that might make you want to provide additional guidance? P.S. Is there anything specific I should do when attempting to remove these surface roots. E.g.; cut from the base of the trunk outward and pull the rest of the root, where ever it may lead?? This message was edited Jan 31, 2018 4:48 PM |