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Propagation: Plant Propagation, The Basics, January 2017, 0 by Gypsi

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Photo of Plant Propagation, The Basics, January 2017
Gypsi wrote:
Bronx seems to be a lot better today. Any drug will quit working if you take it long enough, he has been on Benadryl over 2 years. I am sure he still has MCT but blocking histamine blocks the spread and the Golden Paste (turmeric) boosts his immune system and helps him fight. He is starting to get a few skin bumps in other areas but as long as he feels good, I am not putting him down. Today, he feels good. Bossing the young dogs around.

And 2 of my old hens are laying again. The Americauna never laid an egg til she was 2, and apparently is still loaded with eggs, she will be 4 in March, found 7 of her eggs in a nest in the rabbit hutch this morning.. My 3 year old Australorp didn\'t lay much because her mother and aunts picked on her, and she has laid 5 eggs in the last few days. I searched the lot, no more nests, so I guess the other old gals are all done laying. Nice to find though.