Photo by Melody

Perennials: What\'s Blooming #3, 0 by Mipii

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Photo of What's Blooming #3
Mipii wrote:
Very nice Loretta, even though your Asters split the colors are really beautiful. I have no idea why they would split like that if you had cut them back. I have yet to see if my Chrysanthemum dendrathemum \'Cambodian Queen\' will splay as much as it did last year after cutting it back this summer. It sure didn\'t look very good for awhile after cutting it back.

I\'m hoping your Gentian acaulis just took a summer hiatus, going dormant for the summer heat...maybe?

Let us know if you see any Azure butterflies, if you do I\'m going to do some shopping. I\'ve already picked up a few types of milkweed seed to grow for the Monarchs. I like your Angelica, I should plant some of those seeds too.

Yes I overwinter my Lantana. I cut it back and let it slow grow in an unheated basement.