Twice-stabbed Stink Bug, Two-spotted Stink Bug



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Deer, Arkansas

Bogart, Georgia

Cary, Illinois

Lombard, Illinois

Rock Falls, Illinois

Princeton, Maine

Millbury, Massachusetts

Coldwater, Michigan

Lockport, New York

St John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

Greensboro, North Carolina

Crossville, Tennessee

Sevierville, Tennessee

Virginia Beach, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
1 positive 3 neutral 2 negative
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Columbiaville, MI (Zone 5a) | November 2022 | Positive
These guys are devastating to some plants. They feed by piercing and sucking the plant’s juice. They are not a beneficial, predatory insect. Knock them into a coffee can of soapy water and lid it when you’re done. Your plant will be relieved.


Princeton, ME | July 2019 | Negative
This bug has attacked my obedient plant with a vengeance causing destruction of the small flowers that make up the flower spike. Now they have moved to another obedient plant in a different bed. Help. How do I get rid of them? I applied an insecticidal soap which was of no use but am reluctant to use a chemical insecticide. Suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks


| May 2019 | Neutral
Newfoundland, Canada
Zone 5A
Seen my first stink bug of the year and it turned out to be a Twice-stabbed Stink Bug, last 2 years I have not seen one of these and today he sits on the window ledge looking at me and my indoor flowers. Some people hate them but I think they are beautiful. I think Spring is here!


Cary, IL (Zone 5a) | August 2008 | Neutral
Just found these, they are exclusively on a golden hyssop that I planted this year. Wonder if they came to my house on the plant? Their numbers are increasing rapidly, so based on what other people say I'm going to start dropping them into my cup of soapy water with the Japanese Beetles!


Sevierville, TN (Zone 6b) | June 2008 | Negative
This year, there are literally thousands of twice-stabbed stinkbugs covering my butterfly bushes and hollyhocks. These true bugs are the size of a ladybug and fly like a ladybug. Since the hollyhocks are butterfly host plants and the butterfly bushes are nectar plants, I have chosen not to spray them with malathion which is what my county extension agent recommended. I have cut the hollyhock down to the ground and have severely cut back the butterfly bushes. I put all the cut branches into large black plastic bags and hauled them to the county dump. I fear, however, that these little critters may have already laid eggs for their next generation. If anyone knows more about these "demons", I would like to hear from you.


(Zone 10a) | September 2006 | Neutral
The Twice-stabbed Stink Bug (Cosmopepla lintneriana) was previously known as (Cosmopepla bimaculata)
Spined Micrathena Spider
(Micrathena gracilis)
Rufous Whistler
(Pachycephala rufiventris)
Spined Micrathena Spider
(Micrathena gracilis)
Rufous Whistler
(Pachycephala rufiventris)