Cave Cricket, Camel Cricket



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Seaford, Delaware

Ila, Georgia

Bedford, Indiana(2 reports)

Atalissa, Iowa

Casco, Michigan

Woodbury, New Jersey

Ronkonkoma, New York

Cincinnati, Ohio

Stillwater, Oklahoma

Meshoppen, Pennsylvania

Brentwood, Tennessee

Murfreesboro, Tennessee(3 reports)

Clifton Forge, Virginia

Stafford, Virginia

Glasgow, West Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
3 positive 7 neutral 0 negative
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Stafford, VA | October 2023 | Positive
I am an avid collector of insects recently. I caught one just yesterday. 10-7-23. I studied him a little the put him back where I found him. I then found him inside my screened in porch by my snake jar. And I spray bug repellent around the porch. Never made noise. So cool looking.


Walterhill, TN | November 2012 | Positive
Since probably 10-15 years, there have been cave crickets at my home, although there's nothing about this environment that would approximate a 'cave'. I think they are sorta 'cute' in a prehistoric way, with their long legs and floppy style of jumping. It seems they are 'cannibalistic' as well ... if one dies, the 'others' will come and 'clear him away' within a couple of days. Also, I find it's rare that there are spiders in my home with the cave crickets on duty. It's not like there are oodles of them ... in fact it's only rarely that I see one, and often it's at night, but not always.The worst problem I've found is spots they will leave on the floor in a corner where they apparently go to relieve themselves. My adult son has apparently had a traumatic experience with the cave crickets a... read more


Eau Claire, WI | May 2012 | Neutral
I get these crickets in the house every Spring/eary summer and they creep me out. I just don't like them. Thier bellies are soft but they have a firm back that will crunch.
Almost lost lunch one day after picking one up in a kleenex and squeezing. I will never do that again.
I don't kill insects of any kind in general, but these crickets hopping around, are an exception.
Sorry. I'm not perfect.


Reston, VA | October 2009 | Positive
We have many cave crickets living in our finished (meaning not damp) basement all seasons of the year. I detest spiders and admit they do look like a cross between a spider and a cricket, but I find them not only harmless but quite friendly and kind of fun to watch - they're terrific jumpers!


Owasso, OK | August 2009 | Neutral
In agreeance with everybody else. This insect is repulsive. If you encounter one expect it to jump at you, not jumping away like a normal insect would. They like to hide in a dark corner or nook until you disturb them. Harmless, yet ugly.


Casco, MI | November 2008 | Neutral
I too thought that this was some sort of radioactive mutation,
or a hybrid between a large spider and a brown cricket. I have lived in Michigan for almost 50yrs, this is the first year I have seen these. My cat loves to play with them so I save on cat toys. Recently she killed one and I measured one of it's rear "Jumpers" and it was over 1 1/2". Pretty big for an insect around here... I have seen bigger ones though. All I can say is they're fast and seem smart. Don't step on them...very messy!


Atalissa, IA | April 2008 | Neutral
These critters do look like they were exposed to radiation!

Our house sits over a crawl space with our well pit adjoining it. Perfect habitat for these guys.

Usually we only see them in our house in the spring and early summer; I don't know if it's all the rain that brings them out or what.

We have two Labrador retrievers that just love to chase these crickets. When they get bored with that they will eat them with no ill effects observed.

These crickets don't make noise and don't seem to hurt anything. As far as we are concerned the only negative is they are pretty high on the creepy scale. No cause for alarm.


Cincinnati, OH | May 2007 | Neutral
We started noticing these crickets that looked like they had been expose to radiation last summer. Like the previous comments, we have not noticed any damage caused by them other than the fact that they just bother me being in my attached garage and in my basement. I don't like spraying but I would like for them to be gone. I was just wondering who their natural enemies might be.


Vicki in Cincinnati


Glasgow, WV (Zone 6b) | April 2007 | Neutral
We have these crickets living beneath our house. They come up into the house, usually at night, presumably to look for food. We have observed them in all rooms on carpet and on vinyl. We have not observed them eating carpet and do not believe reports that they do so. However, they will eat bits of bread. (My experiment.)

Although it has been reported that they bite, we haven't been bitten after more than three years of living in our current house. We have observed them from 1/4" to somewhat over 1" in length. They are silent, and from our perspective, not a pest. We avoid stepping on them.

I have twice observed females laying eggs on wood surfaces, once on a cabinet door, and once on baseboard. It takes about two days to finish. The eggs did not hatch.
... read more


Murfreesboro, TN (Zone 7a) | August 2006 | Neutral
They're big (for a bug), they sometimes jump TOWARDS you instead of away from you - all in all, they look menacing, but they don't attack or bite.

A former WW-II solider once informed me they're a good source of protein. (I took him at his word, and don't feel the slightest need to test the truth of his statement for myself.) Cave crickets tend to inhabit dark, damp, cool places - like caves (and manmade habitats, such as basements and crawlspaces.)
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