Silverleaf Whitefly



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Bullhead City, Arizona

Phoenix, Arizona(2 reports)

Davis, California

Goleta, California

Rancho Cucamonga, California

Carrabelle, Florida

Satellite Beach, Florida

Albany, Georgia

Elberton, Georgia

Boise, Idaho

Peoria, Illinois

Zachary, Louisiana

Jefferson City, Missouri

Carson City, Nevada

Lenoir, North Carolina

Williamsburg, Ohio

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Carolina, Puerto Rico

Fort Worth, Texas

Christiansted, Virgin Islands

Seattle, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
0 positive 1 neutral 7 negative
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KINGSHILL, VI (Zone 14) | May 2015 | Negative
I am trying to get rid of whitefly by having a yellow lightbulb lit in the area all day and until after full dark. There are yellow sticky traps for them, so what seems to be happening is that they land on the bulb and burn up. Some stick to the bulb. This is seeming to keep their numbers down a bit. I am also looking for their favorite plants, to be used as catch plants.

Ugh, I brought home one little plant from a nursery that had them. from now on, I will carefully inspect every leaf of every plant I buy and bring home!


| July 2009 | Negative
Whatever I try, they just keep coming back and coming back and coming back. HELP!!! They've totally infested all the plants on the terrace and are slowly killing them off ...

Have tried growing marigolds - they supposedly don't like the smell - washing with soapy water, commercial spray ...

Any advice??


Carrabelle, FL | June 2009 | Negative
I have found one thing that sort of works. Forget all the commecial insecticide sprays that claim on the label to work on white flies. They don't. Not for more than a day or two and you have to poison everything in sight. But you can get relief by thoroughly soaking the tops and bottoms of ALL leaves on the infected plant(s) with a spray of liquid Spinosad D (Fertilome, Bionide and Green Light all make liquid concentrates of Spinosad D and a tablespoon makes a gallon of spray). Spinosad is a realtively safe organic compound that only attacks certain bugs and doesn't harm beneficial insects (although like anything you have to keep it away from water and bees). You can use it on fruits and vegetables up to 3 or 4 days before harvest. A thorough spray of it will make the tiny white creeps com... read more


Norman, OK (Zone 7a) | May 2009 | Negative
Whiteflies have caused me to avoid planting my favorites this year -- Hibiscus. For the last 4 years I have tried ladybugs, sprays (that claim to kill whiteflies), and a systemic powder (also claims to kill whiteflies). Nothing has worked. Where do they come from? Is there ANY WAY to get rid of them. Are there plants and flowers that are resistant to them?


Phoenix, AZ | September 2007 | Negative
The only "real" way to treat whiteflies is to control their infestation. This is done by regularly spraying down infested plants with sharp sprays of water to disperse the bugs. They are typically seasonal, and once the season has started it is nearly impossible to rid your garden of them completely until the season is over. Bathing your plants will help to keep numbers down.


Berkeley, CA (Zone 9a) | September 2006 | Neutral
I cannot get rid of my whiteflies! Zone 9.


Mustang, OK (Zone 7a) | September 2006 | Negative
These have totally destroyed daylilies at my former house and my current house (Oklahoma). This is the ONLY bug I will spray with insecticide.


Cary, NC | September 2006 | Negative
Don't know how to treat them. They have destroyed my blue/black salvias.
Wasp beetle
(Clytus rhamni)
Red-wattled Lapwing
(Vanellus indicus)
Wasp beetle
(Clytus rhamni)
Red-wattled Lapwing
(Vanellus indicus)