Grapevine Beetle, Spotted June Beetle, Spotted Pelidnota



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Monroe, Connecticut

Bear, Delaware

Washington, District of Columbia

New Lenox, Illinois

Oak Lawn, Illinois

Petersburg, Illinois

Rock Falls, Illinois

Washington, Illinois

Galveston, Indiana

Granger, Indiana

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Davenport, Iowa

Des Moines, Iowa

Dubuque, Iowa

Tipton, Iowa

Benton, Kentucky

Crofton, Maryland

Mechanicsville, Maryland

Millersville, Maryland

Beverly, Massachusetts

Holyoke, Massachusetts

New Bedford, Massachusetts

Southbridge, Massachusetts

Charlotte, Michigan

Detroit, Michigan

Farmington, Michigan

Grand Rapids, Michigan(2 reports)

Kalamazoo, Michigan(2 reports)

Stephenson, Michigan

Minneapolis, Minnesota(2 reports)

Savage, Minnesota

Cole Camp, Missouri

Deepwater, New Jersey

Lyons, New York

Palenville, New York

Richmond Hill, New York

South Ozone Park, New York

Staten Island, New York

Charlotte, North Carolina

Bucyrus, Ohio

Columbus, Ohio

Glouster, Ohio

Butler, Pennsylvania

Erie, Pennsylvania

Gap, Pennsylvania

New Paris, Pennsylvania

Quakertown, Pennsylvania

Whitehall, Pennsylvania

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Johnson City, Tennessee

Centreville, Virginia

Baraboo, Wisconsin

Menasha, Wisconsin

Oconto, Wisconsin

Two Rivers, Wisconsin

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Gardener's Notes:
8 positive 15 neutral 2 negative
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| May 2024 | Neutral
Found one this morning on my back porch in New Braunfels, Texas.


Bloomington, IL | July 2020 | Neutral
Found one today in Bloomington, il. I've seen them before but not that big! Storm last night must have shook him out of hiding. Do they kill the plants like Japanese beetles or just an annoyance like June bugs?


Minneapolis, MN | July 2019 | Neutral
We live in south Minneapolis and I've found quite a few of these beetles in our Virginia creeper vine. They seem to have hatched about the same time the Japanese beetles hatched and I've been picking them all off and dropping them in soapy water. Seems many of the leaves on the vine have been feasted on unfortunately (probably by both the J. beetles and the grapevine beetles) and when sitting out in our garden in the late evening, we find ourselves ducking out of the way of crazy flying kamikaze pilots. This is the first year I've seen them in our area. Not a fan!!


Erie, PA | July 2019 | Positive
Saw one attracted to the light on my porch. We don’t have grape vines near by that I know of, but that was definitely a grapevine beetle. Looks just like him!


New Bedford, MA | July 2019 | Positive
I have seen this beetle before, but cannot be sure if it had the exact number of dits, but today I captured a photo! This beetle looked just like the one on this page, but slightly lighter, more towards yellow. All other details are the same. This bug measured about an inch and was on the screen of the door as it was getting cooler out. The inside of the house was warmer and the porch light was on. It was beautiful! I live in New Bedford, Massachusetts where it was 84 and very humid today. There is a large park across the street. I’d love to be able to share my photos of this buggy! 😍


Lyons, NY | August 2017 | Positive
Found one of these on my screen door last night in Lyons, N.Y. Over an inch long, but definitely this kind. No grape vines nearby that I know of. I've never seen one of these before and I've lived in this area 40+ years.


Richmond Hill, NY | July 2017 | Positive
I seen this huge bug on my shower curtain after I washed it and was amazed I even spotted it because the colors were similiar, after looking up online I was sure it was same bug. I have grapes growing could that of brought it here?


Centreville, VA | July 2016 | Neutral
Spotted an upside-down, dead beetle on my front porch. I initially thought it was a cicada, which isn't unusual on any given year, because of its size. Once I turned it over to get a good look, it obviously wasn't a cicada. I don't remember ever seeing a beetle like this so looked it up. It only took a minute or so to identify.
I'd really like to know where this guy'said been hiding and why I've never seen one before, and if I'll now see them on a regular basis.


Grand Rapids, MI | July 2015 | Positive
While sitting outside on the covered porch this large flying insect comes buzzing around my multi-color L.E.D. chili lights. Its running into the overhead rafters buzzing around up, down, left, and right until it finally lands on the chili lights. I snapped a photo of it and immediately did an image search for "large flying brown beetle". I am 100% confident that it is indeed a Grapevine Beetle! I've never witnessed such a neat beetle before and I feel compelled to write this comment. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan which is about 30 miles inland from Lake Michigan (south west portion of lower peninsula).


Butler, PA | June 2015 | Neutral
June 26, 2015

Found this bug on my front screen door late this morning. I heard that it was also there last night. We live in a rural city north of Pittsburgh, PA - no grapevines handy. I've never seen this type before.



Staten Island, NY | July 2014 | Neutral
I live in the town of Westerleigh in Staten Island NY, one of the five boroughs of New York City. My daughter found this bug stuck to the screen on our storm door. He is huge. At least an inch long. My sister in law who lives in the town of West Brighton also found one on her screen door last week. I took pics and posted them to Facebook where some one informed me that this was a grapevine beetle. I have no grapevines in my yard and am not sure if any of my neighbors do but you never know. I've never seen a beetle like this and am wondering if anyone knows if he's been spotted in my area before or is this unusual. I didn't notice any postings from my location. Staten Island does have a large greenbelt area so I'm wondering if he just got lost.


Oconto, WI | August 2013 | Neutral
Came into the house the other night with it on my shirt. Excited to see it, put in bug cage for the kids to examine it. My son called it a giant ladybug. After 2 nights we let it go in the front yard. Had it crawling on my hand and my son's as well. A good learning experience for my kids and pretty cool to see something you don't see too often here. We live in the country with farm cropping all around us; so I use every opportunity to expand their world. Good to learn before exterminating out of fear. He wanted to keep it for a pet.....don't know how mom would have been with that!


Minneapolis, MN | August 2013 | Neutral
We live in suburban Minneapolis (MN) and my wife called me over to our grapevine trellis today.

Here was a "fine looking" fellow whose size set him apart, and then his proximity to our grapevines further concerned us.

Thanks for having a clear image for us to compare.

Though I'm impressed with her/him and admire her/his "beauty" there will be no return trip to the trellis.

We will submit a photo with a U.S. quarter coin for size comparison.



Gap, PA | July 2013 | Negative
Found this bug outside. My husband said something bit me! And then we saw this big guy. Never seen one before. Put him in a bug jar inside and took pics. He seems quite aggressive. I think he may have just latched on and pinched him though while climbing. It looks like a giant lady bug. Quite interesting.


Haycock,Bucks County, PA (Zone 6b) | July 2013 | Neutral
I found this large beetle on a Clethera bush today. It wasn't eating, just sitting there. I'm in Upper Bucks Co.Pa and have never seen one of these before. There are a few old grape vines growing randomly in the woods so maybe that's what it was looking for.


Southbridge, MA | July 2012 | Neutral
My son found this on our porch tonight. Used to seeing dobeson flies as we live beside a river....but it was a grapevine beetle instead. There's been alot of these in this area this WEEK! Do they migrate? This one was a good inch long if not a bit more. We let it go after a short NO FLASH photo shoot. There are woods out back as well with several fallen trees from a tornado that came thru here June 1 2011.


Anne Arundel,, MD (Zone 7b) | June 2012 | Neutral
We just found three while breaking up a rotting length of maple trunk (tree was cut five years ago and laid at the edge of the yard.) Pretty cool beetles- they seemed to have just finished pupation and were very soft but had the distinctive spots. We do have wild grapevines nearby.


Des Moines, IA (Zone 4b) | July 2011 | Positive
I was excited and a little fearful of this bug at first. But when the flash went off, I figured he must not be a crazy bug like the "june" beetles that I'm used to that are about 1/3-1/4 this guys size. If I ever see this guy again, I will put him in a bug cage to study him a bit more. Awesome looking guy! My daughter will love looking at him. If I kept him in a wire cage, do I just need to give him grape leaves to eat until I release him? It would only be a day or two.



Petersburg, IL | July 2011 | Positive
I don't have any grapevines, but read that the larvae eat rotting wood (which I have lots of). Surprising to see him - it's my first time with one of these. It was missing a portion of leg, so I took it indoors to photograph it and forgot him for near two days. I thought it had died, but when I took it out of the shallow cup I had kept him in, it livened back up and was crawling all over me. Not vicious at all and very interesting to look at. I sent it back outside to live peacefully.


Detroit, MI | August 2010 | Neutral
My next door neighbor grows masses of grapes, so these are a common sight in my neighborhood. I never actually made the connection until this year, though. Go figure.


Columbus, OH (Zone 5b) | June 2009 | Negative
I found this huge beetle on a climbing rose... I'm not at all happy to have another critter gnawing on my roses!


Sterling, IL | August 2008 | Positive
Saw one of these today. It was rather large, about 1.5" long. I noticed it right away because of it's spots, and sheer size. I've never seen one of these before, however the small brown "June bugs" (no spots) are common here. I'm not aware of any grape vines in the immediate vicinity.

Date: August 4, 2008
Time: 18:30
City: Davenport, IA
Weather: mostly sunny - around 92 degrees - high humidity


Tipton, IA (Zone 5a) | July 2007 | Neutral
I've noticed this beetle on our window screens at night several times. We have wild grape vines in the pasture, not sure if that's where it's coming from. Dug one up when taking out an old stump. So far, never observed it doing damage to any plants.


Lakes of the Four Seasons, IN (Zone 5a) | June 2007 | Neutral
I found one of these today on the screen of my garage window. I'd never seen one before and was wondering if this is the critter that's been trying to eat my plants. I'm relieved to learn that he is not my culprit. Some nearby neighbors have a grape arbor.


Benton, KY (Zone 7a) | June 2007 | Neutral
This is a hard call as far as positive or negative...the adults feed on grapevines and possibly the fruit...thus, making them a pest...the larvae feed on decaying wood and stumps, making them a useful creature.

This golden-yellow Scarab is found throughout eastern North America...south to FL. , and west to Nebraska. Found mainly in deciduous forests and surrounding areas. Adults are attracted to lights at night. They are most often seen May through August.

One of the many May/June Bugs found in this part of the country.
Banded Argiope
(Argiope trifasciata)
Eastern Long-billed Lark
(Certhilauda semitorquata)
Banded Argiope
(Argiope trifasciata)
Eastern Long-billed Lark
(Certhilauda semitorquata)