Velvet Ant, var. Cow Killer



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Chandler Heights, Arizona

Cartersville, Georgia

Dallas, Georgia

Deridder, Louisiana

Beaufort, North Carolina

Concord, North Carolina

Taylorsville, North Carolina

Crossville, Tennessee

Allen, Texas

De Leon, Texas

Gorman, Texas

Justin, Texas

New Caney, Texas

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Concord, NC | November 2012 | Neutral
Velvet ants are actually a kind of wasp species. The females are wingless as are some of the males which even scientists have a hard time differentiating appart. Most species of velvet ant wasp are parasites that not only eat ground bee larvae and larvae of other kinds of wasps, but also kill full grown beetles and insects. The largest kind of velvet ant wasp in the United States is the red variety thats color is red and black, their is also a beautiful blue variety, and a rare white variety with long fuzzy white hairs that look like fur twice as long as its body, and their is also a grey variety that is found in Texas.
This bug is referred to as a cow killer not because it attacks large animals such as cows or horses, but because its sting is so incredibly painful, as if to sa... read more
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