Scentless Plant Bug



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Gadsden, Alabama(2 reports)

Vincent, Alabama

Weaver, Alabama

Barling, Arkansas

Marion, Arkansas

Greensboro, North Carolina

Mooresville, North Carolina

Rock Hill, South Carolina

Austin, Texas

Helotes, Texas

Mc Kinney, Texas

San Antonio, Texas

Bumpass, Virginia

Sterling, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
0 positive 3 neutral 1 negative
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Gadsden, AL | August 2017 | Negative
I live in Hokes Bluff Al. I see this bug on my rose of Sharon every summer. They are invading!! Killing the buds, drying them out, they turn brown and fall off. I've tried several things to kill them wit no luck. How can I get rid of this damaging bug??


Glencoe, AL (Zone 8a) | August 2014 | Neutral
In Alabama, I find these bugs all summer long in the seed pods of my hibiscuses and mallows. They don't seem to be doing any actual harm to the plant so I don't bother trying to remove them.


Sterling, VA (Zone 7a) | September 2008 | Neutral
Very colorful bug with bright orange accents - looks as if it could be a cloisonne jeweled ornament!


San Antonio, TX (Zone 8b) | November 2006 | Neutral
The scentless plant bug (Niesthrea louisianica) is native from Arizona to Florida north to New York and West to Iowa in the Mississippi Valley. Nymphs and adults feed on seeds of malvaceous plants. Host plants include rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus), hibiscus, spurred anoda (Anoda cristata)and abutilon species. I found it feeding on a rock rosemallow (Pavonia lasiopetala) plant seeds. It feeds on flower buds, spent flowers and seeds. Masses of eggs are laid and are deposited on the undersides of leaves. Many times there are more than one generation per year.

Niesthrea louisianica are of great economic impact by reducing the seed viability of the weed velvet leaf, butter print, China jute (Abutilon theophrasti) which is a member of the Malvaceae family. It is is a ma... read more
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