Beetle, Spotted Lady Beetle, Pink Spotted Ladybeetle



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Barling, Arkansas

Marion, Arkansas

Peachtree City, Georgia

Yale, Iowa

Sulphur, Louisiana

Elizabeth City, North Carolina

Stilwell, Oklahoma

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Gardener's Notes:
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(Zone 5a) | April 2015 | Positive
The Pink-spotted Ladybeetles are native to North America. Among other things, they eat aphids.

We have noticed in the fall they will congregate on our house much like the Asian Ladybugs, but I have never had an infestation inside the house. I may have only seen one or two. When I moved a rock early this spring, I found a bunch of them hibernating there. I gingerly put the rock back.

I have never seen as many as I have this spring. Did they find enough food last year and have a winter suited to their needs? I am thrilled they seem to be thriving here. They are all over the dandelions and other plants right now. I accidentally bring some into the house when I harvest the flowers, but try to release them back outside.

Editing to include some o... read more
Digger Wasp
(Sphex habenus)
Bare-faced Ibis
(Phimosus infuscatus)
Digger Wasp
(Sphex habenus)
Bare-faced Ibis
(Phimosus infuscatus)