Praying Mantis



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Novato, California

Jacksonville, Florida

Corunna, Indiana

Burton, Ohio

Cincinnati, Ohio

Clinton, Ohio

Painesville, Ohio

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Gardener's Notes:
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Corunna, IN | September 2011 | Positive
I found one in one of my hanging petunias and feed him live crickets and grasshoppers everyday. I used a pair of tweezers and he would snatch them right up. I have a photo of him eating and he sort of gives me a look like 'let me eat in peace.' I enjoyed having him around and we jokingly called him Matty. He moved to a bush on the side of the patio and theres where he remained: I always knew where to find him for dinner. Needless to say, he appeared to be pretty fat. Praying mantis are wonderful to have around.


Painesville, OH | July 2007 | Positive
i, nor anyone i know finding a praying mantis, have had anything but positive things to say about this curious bug. i haven t had any problems but then again its not too common to find the little critters hanging about. besides, even if it was more common their protected anyway and their so gentle. i see lots of babies neer the lake in spring but VERY seldomly come summer.
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