Mole Cricket, Northern Mole cricket



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Green Cove Springs, Florida

Orlando, Florida

Covington, Georgia

Ridgeville, Indiana

Independence, Louisiana

Hofstatt, Luzern

Millersville, Maryland

Croton On Hudson, New York(2 reports)

Raleigh, North Carolina

Lexington, South Carolina

Conroe, Texas

Floyd, Virginia

Glen Allen, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
1 positive 1 neutral 6 negative
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Ridgeville, IN | July 2010 | Negative
Just saw my very first one..just the site of it made me not like it. After finding out what is is I know now what has been making tunnels in my flowers.


Independence, LA (Zone 8b) | May 2008 | Negative
We never had a problem with them before this spring but there seems to be an invasion of them this spring. They're completely destroying my vegetable garden. Does anyone know how to get rid of them?


Croton On Hudson, NY | May 2008 | Negative
Upon walking in Croton's back roads I saw this huge bug crossing the road and was forced to stop in my tracks having never seen it before. I quickly grabed a stick and motioned it infront of the bug as if I were shaking its hand. I actually felt this bug grab my stick with its mole like feet. It was then I new this bug deserves respect! So I helped it across the raod. My only regret was having none to share the moment with me. As a final note, I'll share with you that the Northern Mole Cricket that I spoted was at least 3" which is a half inch bigger than what I've researched so far.


Croton-on-Hudson, NY (Zone 6b) | May 2008 | Negative
We have had a terrible problem with voles in our vegetable garden for several years. The history of our efforts to solve the problem are described at [] . Just to be sure, we put out more vole traps again.

With high hopes this year, we planted our peas and broccoli only to find many small holes in the garden, our broccoli fallen over, and the peas either eaten as they sprouted or only very little growth on the ones that have sprouted.

No voles have been caught, but we did find one insect in one of the traps and have identified it as a Northern Mole Cricket. As you can see, they have sharp claws and cause the same damage as the voles. Does anyone know o... read more


Glen Allen, VA | November 2007 | Positive
It’s absolutely amazing! I have seen some ugly little buggars before but this one takes the cake! My uncle found it in his garage when he moved his car out. It looks very similar to the ones posted here, it was very squishy... but that could have been because it just molted, etc etc.

I think it is a great find and there should definitely be more info on it! I was searching for about 45 minutes under species and genus... but I got fed up and Googled 'Mole Bug' and it was the second one!



Copper Hill, VA | August 2007 | Negative
It's just plain scary. Found Outside UNDER Stands at a football field...

BTW: Bug is mutating, it is loosing the shell from the head to the middle, it is starting to shrink, and its starting to lighten up arround the front claws.


| January 2007 | Negative
Mole crickets, besides being ugly entice armadillas to dig up yards. It seems they are their favorite meal. Contol of mole crickets is expensive and not sure fire. We are constantly filling holes back in but it seems a lost cause.


Anne Arundel,, MD (Zone 7b) | September 2006 | Neutral
Can't be sure of the species but no mistaking those digging feet in front. First one I've seen in my 45+ years in MD!
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Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle
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