Chinese Mantid



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Deer, Arkansas

Reseda, California

San Jose, California

Palm Coast, Florida

Cornelia, Georgia

Cary, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

Itasca, Illinois

Park Forest, Illinois

Michigan City, Indiana

Goshen, Kentucky

Detroit, Michigan

Croton On Hudson, New York

Greensboro, North Carolina

Kannapolis, North Carolina

Glouster, Ohio

Alexandria, Pennsylvania

Allentown, Pennsylvania

Liberty Hill, Texas

Keller, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
4 positive 1 neutral 0 negative
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Eureka Springs, AR | October 2010 | Positive
In my science/biology class, we decided to collect one of these as a class pet. We discovered it was a female, and she made a foamy eggsack thing in the corner of the terrarium. We have a somewhat strong lamp directly adjacent to the terrarium-the foamy eggsack turned brown and hard, and i thought we cooked it. I told my teacher, and she assured me it was supposed to be that way, but i'm not exactly sure. The mantis made another one, so i think we destroyed the first one.


Cary, IL (Zone 5a) | October 2008 | Neutral
Based on size I think the mantid I found this year in my garden must have been Chinese, it was at least five inches long. Supposedly only three species live in Illinois, and I have mixed feelings because it is an introduced species but is a beneficial insect. This is the first one I've ever seen here and supposedly the eggs (I assume they're somewhere) can survive through the winter. This one was on my pear tree and walked across the lawn, then quickly scaled my tulip poplar, up so high I could no longer see it. Being from southern California I was recently lamenting the absence of praying mantises, only to stumble upon this beast a short while later!


San Jose, CA | August 2008 | Positive
I have had a wonderful experience with these creatures of nature. I live in an apartment with large trees and I have an upstairs balcony as well as a downstairs patio. I have numerous plants on both that include Angel Trumpets, morning Glories, climbing roses, honeysuckle and even some Plumeria that I brought back from Maui about 5 years ago that I bought at the airport in one of those plastic bags that is only 1 stick per bag. This year it is finally going to give me blossoms on all three branches. Anyway, I just wanted to set the stage for what is next. At my local nursery, I have purchased egg cases of these wonderful creatures and happily watch them hatch later in the Spring and the little guys go scammering around finding shelter, always fun to see them all over the place. For th... read more


Acton, CA (Zone 8b) | August 2008 | Positive
Does not look much like the other commonly seen mantids.. this one slim, with brown wings and extra long body. Egg sacks are globs, not the neat, orderlly things laid by most other mantids. Commonly sold at nurseries and on line.


Brockton, MA (Zone 6a) | September 2006 | Positive
I've been blessed to have 6 of these in my gardens this season. I've observed them capture food and mature. I've even found discarded skins. They molt 6 or 7 times as they grow.
With a little luck I'll see them mating and find an egg sack or two, that would complete the cycle and please me to no end.
They are cannibals so when I found one in a dangerous location, I would place it safely distant from others. I noticed that the young ones prefer day lily beds. Older ones like late blooming plants like sedum, marigolds and dahlias. They just sit and wait for their next meal. Grasshoppers, bees, dragonflies almost anything except for stink bugs and large wasps.
Andy P
Tumbling Flower Beetle
(Mordellistena cervicalis)
Green Bee-eater
(Merops orientalis)
Tumbling Flower Beetle
(Mordellistena cervicalis)
Green Bee-eater
(Merops orientalis)