Hercules Beetle



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Vincent, Alabama

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Anna, Illinois

Benton, Kentucky

Ewing, Kentucky

Cole Camp, Missouri

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Harrisburg, North Carolina

Middleton, Tennessee

Richmond, Texas

San Antonio, Texas

Tyler, Texas

Leesburg, Virginia

Penhook, Virginia

Woodbridge, Virginia

Charleston, West Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
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(Zone 8a) | June 2016 | Positive
I noticed this beetle in my patio and I also found it on its back. I gently turned it over for a photo. Then turned it on its back again, for another photo. Turned it one last time and all this time the beetle appeared calm. Very pretty. This one was about 2".


Woodbridge, VA | July 2015 | Positive
I saw one of these beetles yesterday in Lake Ridge, VA at about 6:30am. It was on its back, so I gently turned it over. Based on the horns I think it was a male Hercules. He was quite large, maybe 3 inches and darker in color than some of the pictures I have seen. I am so glad Dave's garden is here to help me identify what I saw!


Amma, WV (Zone 6a) | September 2007 | Positive
This is one of the most beautiful beetles I have ever seen as well as the largest. Here in West Virginia, co-workers found one in an old decaying woodpile and it was much bigger than the 3" referenced by another reader.


Benton, KY (Zone 7a) | July 2006 | Positive
This is the largest North American Beetle. It has a body length of between 2" and 3".

The female has a smooth head, while the male has horns.

Found in light wooded areas and gardens, it is a harmless, interesting insect.
Sedge Moth
(Glyphipterix gemmipunctella)
Allen’s Hummingbird
(Selasphorus sasin)
Sedge Moth
(Glyphipterix gemmipunctella)
Allen’s Hummingbird
(Selasphorus sasin)