Northern Black Widow



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Laguna Hills, California

Meriden, Connecticut

Cape Coral, Florida

Dahlonega, Georgia

Halifax, Massachusetts

Pinnacle, North Carolina

Glouster, Ohio

Blythewood, South Carolina

Blacksburg, Virginia

Bluefield, Virginia

Leesburg, Virginia

Midland, Washington

Twisp, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
1 positive 2 neutral 0 negative
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Halifax, MA (Zone 6a) | June 2014 | Neutral
To see the hourglass you need to look at her underneath. The hourglass is always on the underside/belly. The markings above/back are remainders from when they were spiderlings. Those markings fade as the spider ages. Though some do retain their back/above markings, when mature.

Also, male 'Widows' have broken markings and stripes on their backs. The males are not poisonous, but it can be difficult to tell a male from an adolescent female. So, best not to bother any type of Widow.



PINNACLE, NC | June 2012 | Positive
I found 2 and they are similar but the hour glass seems distorted.I am a little confused on that.


Dahlonega, GA | July 2010 | Neutral
I saw the egg sack and thought it looked like a black widow egg sack. The 'nest was different than any I'd ever seen . It was a mass of leaves and web , with the egg outside the mass . The spider was two inches from the egg sack and didn't offer to defend it , grab it and run , or anything . I started poking her and she tried to get away. Sorry , I don't need widows around my potted plants , with grandchildren .I can't get my camera to load on computer , but when the problem is fixed , will submit picture.I was surprised to find out from Bug Files that the red spots were down it's back and indeed it was a black widow. I've been here 20 years and I'm only familiar with the hour glass, never seeing this one until today
Leaf Beetle
(Diabrotica barberi)
Mute Swan
(Cygnus olor)
Leaf Beetle
(Diabrotica barberi)
Mute Swan
(Cygnus olor)